Wednesday, January 26, 2005

IQ Test

I did a Tickle's IQ Test today because I was curious about the score.

The results:

IQ 135
You are a Visual Mathematician.

This means you are gifted at spotting patterns. This and your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture.

When I finished doing the test, I was wondering what the number really means to me. It's good to know that IQ 135 is considered to be Gifted (2.3%) but then it was just a number and it didn't determine my destiny, success or happiness in life. A wise friend once told me that no matter how high my IQ is, it's nothing without discipline, responsibility, perseverance and love.

1. Be curious about yourself. Get to know and understand yourself even more.
2. Never let a number or score define your life or destiny.

Learn and Grow!

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