Friday, June 06, 2008

Winning Again! The Law of Attraction in Action!

inge santoso sekawan

Yesterday I went to Sekawan to buy three books for PMK Rhema 12th Anniversary door prize gifts. When I paid for the books, I was told that last month's winning date was May 5th. Sekawan bookshop has a program that every month, they will draw a lottery to choose a winning date of the month and whatever you buy on that winning date, you will get 100% discount! You get a voucher that you can use before the 16th of the following month. When I got home, I went through my receipt and YES,I WON!


This morning I was so enthusiastic going back to Sekawan bookstore to get my free voucher. I used the voucher straight away because it would expire on June 16th. I bought a best seller book "Laskar Pelangi" with it.

voucher sekawan

It's really amazing. The law of attraction is working in many aspects of my life.

Learn and Grow!

1 comment:

Venna Wongko said...

The Law of attraction benar - benar fantastis.
Banyak buku dan pembicara menyarankan hal ini untuk menjadi sukses. Walau mereka menggunakan kata - kata yang berbeda untuk menjelaskannya