Thursday, November 20, 2008

Success Journal

success journal
In Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, T Harv Eker said that it was important to acknowledge your success. One way to acknowledge your success is by keeping a success journal.

Success journal is a special journal where you write all your successes and achievements. It is recommended to write at least five(5) successes of the day. They can be small things such as putting $1 in Financial Freedom Account Jar, waking up 30 min earlier, or they can be big things such as getting a promotion, winning prizes, and so on.

The most important thing is to keep your focus on success! Success breeds success. Success attracts more success. The success journal can also help you when the going gets tough. It reminds you of your strength and capability to overcome challenges in your life.

Journal Writing
This is a photo of my recent journals. Those are not moleskine. I wish they are.
I’ve been writing journal or diary since I was 16 years old. I started the habit when my English teacher in Perth, Judy asked me to write a diary everyday and show it to her. This was how I learned English, through writing diary. My first diary:
When I was in Beijing learning Mandarin, I also wrote my journal in Chinese. Writing a journal in Chinese really helped me to increase my vocabulary and memorize those Chinese characters.
Some benefits of journal writing for me:
  • to record, explore, and clarify my thoughts and feelings,
  • to write what I have learned from daily experiences,
  • to help me learn a new language,
  • to help me release emotional burdens,
  • to help me remember great moments in my life,
  • to explore creative ideas,
  • to weigh alternatives when making an important decision,
  • and many more
Do you keep a journal? If you do, please share your experience in the comments.
Acknowledge and celebrate your success!

Learn and Grow!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I have been journaling for three years and I believe it to be a GREAT stress reducer!