Saturday, July 03, 2004


This morning I showed my blog to some friends. When they saw the picture of Uti (Uti - in memoriam), one of them asked whether I had received another photo of Uti which she has scanned and sent by email. I said that I didn't receive any email from her. She started arguing that she has emailed me and she even received a reply. I asked her to show me those emails.

When I saw the emails, I just started laughing HAHAHAHA. It turned out that she sent them to the wrong email address! She sent the photos to someone called josefine_i***.
When she got a reply from josefine_i*** asking who she is, she thought it was me playing joke on her. She replied: this is sweet and cute ***** :P


It turned out that all of them put down josefine_i*** as my email address.
I wonder who passed on this false information in the first place :)

Anyway we all have a good laugh...definitely needed after a long and busy week. HAHAHA

1. Before sending any email, check whether the address is correct
2. If you receive any information, especially from a third party, always VERIFY first!
3. Laughter is really a good medicine :D

Learn! Enjoy your weekend!

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