Yesterday near my house, I saw some people flying a very long kite. It was amazing. The tail was about 60-70 meters long. It needed at least 6 people to fly it. These people travel from town to town to compete in kite flying competition. The biggest competition is in Bali where they fly huge kites at the beach where the wind is strongest.
We can learn a very important success principle from flying a kite. It is the principle of rising in the face of adversity. The stronger the wind, the higher the kite will fly.
In life, we often avoid or run from adversity because we see it as an obstacle that prevents us from getting what we want in life. We see adversity as a problem that makes things difficult for us.
Rising in the face of adversity challenges us to think differently. We see adversity as something that makes us stronger and better. It is the fire that forges the iron. Adversity also acts as a filter to let people who are really determined to succeed to rise above others. If we truly want to succeed, we should be grateful for adversity because it makes us sharper and it reduces competition. :)
Rise and Fly High!
Learn and Grow!
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Sharing yang bagus.
Ya untuk sukses, banyak rintangan yang dilewati, tergantung kita menghadapinya. Kadang kita lelah ataupun menhindarinya. Karena itu mempunyai teman ataupun family yang mendukung sangat membantu untuk mengahadapi rintangan tersebut.
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