I was quite curious about these students' motivation when I asked them to do homework, so I decided to try giving them an incentive. The homework that I assigned to them was to copy a passage and write the passage in Chinese. It could be done in around 15-20 minutes. I told them that if they did their homework and gave it to me that week, I'd give them A. If they didn't do their homework that week and gave it to me the following week, I'd give them B. If they gave it to me the week after, I'd give them C and so on.
Some of the students decided to copy and write the homework in class that day and when they gave the homework to me, they asked whether they'd get A+ because they did it straight away. These students are usually the best ones in class. They are very motivated to achieve and they want to get things done fast.
Some of the students did their homework and gave it to me that week, so they'd get an A. Most of the students in this group are good students who are diligent in doing their work on time. However there are some that did their homework because they were motivated to get an easy A. They are the students that could see an opportunity and take action, because they know it's easier to get an A doing their homework than getting an A in test.
I asked the students who haven't done their homework, "Why don't you do your homework and gave it to me this week to get an A? If you give it to me next week, you'll get a B." They said, "We forgot there was homework, anyway it's OK, we are already satisfied getting a B."
The week after that, there were still a couple students who had not given me their homework. When I asked them, they said, "It's OK, getting a C is enough"
The following week, there were still some students who didn't do their homework and I told them that they'd get a D if they did not give their homework to me the following week. At the end, there were still a few students who never gave me their homework. These students do tend to perform badly in class and some even had attitude problems. I am quite curious how I would motivate these students because they do not want to achieve nor they were afraid of bad consequences. I wonder what they'd be like when they grow up.
There was one student who decided not to come to school on that particular day and he told his parents that he was afraid that I'd be angry because he hadn't done his homework. The parents actually came to school to meet with his teacher and asked the teacher to tell me that he was afraid to come to school. In my opinion, running away from problem will only delay the consequence and yet it will catch up with you sooner or later.
From teaching these students, I understand more about different types of people and how they are motivated by different things. What a valuable insight into human's personality and motivation!
I am grateful for the experience and the lessons that I learned during my time there.
Learn and Grow!
Inge Santoso
1 comment:
Perkembangan karakter anak di tentukan oleh lingkungan dan lingkungan yang terdekat adalah keluarga dan sekolah. Secara tidak sengaja kebiasaan orang tua seperti menunda, tidak jujur, tidak mau berusaha lebih. Tentu akan ditiru oleh anak. Karenanya kebiasaaan baik harus tetap dibangun dan dikembangkan dalam lingkungan keluarga terlebih dahulu.
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