Wednesday, June 30, 2004

The Balcethuk Incident

I have a 3-week-old baby rabbit, its name is Balcethuk (golf ball) because its colour is white with black ears.

Yesterday Balcethuk created a big problem. Mum brought Balcethuk to my study room and let it have fun exploring. While my mum, my friend and I had an interesting discussion, Balcethuk suddenly disappeared. When we realised that Balcethuk was missing, we started looking for it. We looked behind the wasn't there. It also wasn't behind the stack of my photography equipments. We just couldn't find it in the whole room. Then my friend, CL, took the initiative and peeked behind the bookcase...AAAHHH BALCETHUK WAS THERE, STUCK! The space between the wall and the bookcase was too small for Balcethuk to turn around while it couldn't move backward.

The problem was how to get Balcethuk out of there. It would have been simple if it is just a small bookcase, it is however a HUGE bookcase! It's L-shape, length 2.4m and 2.1m, width 0.4m, height 2.6m...and full of books! Imagine the weight!

At first we tried to get a long stick/pole, slided it through the gap and attempted to drag Balcethuk backward. It didn't work because Balcethuk was really at the very corner where the gap was most narrow. We were also afraid if we hurt it with the pole.

We tried to come up with other alternatives, but they didn't seem to work. At the end we chose to move the bookcase! We started to remove everything from the bookcase, all the books, photo albums, etc and piled them all over the house. It was only after we took down everything we were able to move the bookcase and rescued Balcethuk!

When we freed Balcethuk, it was so happy and started jumping all over the place, we hurriedly caught it before it created another problem. We were glad that we were able to save Balcethuk. YES! Mission accomplished!

But when I saw the huge pile of books and other stuff all over the house, I started to despair thinking about the hard work to put them back. I can only console myself by thinking that since everything is out anyway, I might as well rearrange and reorganise everything :) HAHAHA.Frankly I was truly amazed by the storage capacity of that bookcase. I will show you some pictures later so that you can see the extend of this problem.

1. ALWAYS keep an eye on your pet! NEVER let it wander out of your sight!
2. If you want to find something, look everywhere, no matter how remote it may seem.
3. Love demands sacrifices (Our love for Balcethuk requires hard works and sacrifices)
4. Make the best out of any circumstances (instead of being so distressed looking at the huge piles of stuff, it may be the right time to rearrange them HAHAHA)

Thanks to Balcethuk for today's lessons!

Learn and Grow!

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