Friday, August 08, 2008

What Is Your Spending Weakness?


What is your spending weakness? For me, it is books. I usually find it hard to go into a bookstore without buying a book. I have two rooms just to keep my book collection. The bookcases that you see above are already full although I have already arranged two rows of books per rack.

I realize that I splurge on books and sometimes I buy  because I am afraid that I will not be able to find it again when I need it. Now I do not worry so much because of Amazon.

In the last few months, I’ve cut back my spending on books and I only buy books that I really want to read straight away. I also start to read those books that I have bought but not read yet.

I think we all have our own spending weakness. As you can see in the photo below, my sister’s weakness is clothes.


Some other things that I can think of:

  • DVDs, CDs
  • Soft toys
  • Shoes, bags, accessories
  • Fridge magnets and other souvenirs

What about you?

Learn and Grow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, many people have books but don't really have the content, because they didn't read it. I think, it's better to grasp the content, tha the books itself. Much more better if you can organize the content and share it, e.g. in a blog. Make the best of it by empowering to others, which also taugh more one who has learn to share it. Kartika