Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rules? The rule here is no rule!

motor parking

This motorbike was parked directly underneath NO PARKING sign. The sign clearly illustrates a motorbike crossed by red line and it says "No Parking Here", yet there was a motorbike being parked there.

Sometimes I amazes me how some people have no regard towards rules. Some people just think that they can do whatever they want regardless of the rules or their consequences. I think a lot of people start from breaking a very small rule. When they see how there is no bad consequences from breaking that rule, they start breaking bigger and bigger rules.

I often see complete disregard of rules in many places. For example, last month I saw some people smoking underneath a NO SMOKING sign in Jakarta's food court. Although there were many people who were uncomfortable because of it, they also did not dare to take any action because they did not want to have a confrontation. The security guard and the food seller also didn't do anything because they were afraid to offend the guests.

The other day when I was on the plane from Solo to Jakarta, the flight attendance announced that passengers should only turn on their mobile phones after they've left the plane. Although the announcement was very clear that it was for security reason, there were still so many people who turned on their mobile phones, and some even started making phone calls.

I don't want to start talking on traffic violation because there are just too many.

I believe that rules are important. Without rules, there will be chaos.

The question is "What should we do about this situation?" "What can we do about this situation?" We can start from ourselves. We do the right things and hopefully we can influence people around us to do the right things too.


Learn and Grow!

Inge Santoso

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