Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Experience Teaching Year 5 Students - Part 3

Teaching children is very interesting because it's so full of pleasure and pain...an emotional dynamic that is so strong and influential.

Sometimes, I was so frustrated because they seemed to be so out of control and I wanted to give up right away, and then suddenly they did or said something that made me so proud and happy.

There was one very good student who sent me a postcard saying "I Love You". I was so touched.

postcard from dea 

Sometimes, everything seemed to go well, and then suddenly some students did something disruptive and drove me to the verge of anger, hurt and frustration.

I think children are very good at reading and judging a situation and they can actually use it for their advantage to get what they want. How often do we actually fall into this trap without realising it?

When I told my mother about this, she told me that I used to make her feel the same say and I also used to do the same thing to her. Hmm karma...karma.

Learn and Grow!

Inge Santoso

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