Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kompas Gramedia Fair Jogja 2008 - Part 1

adi gunawan

Yesterday I went to Jogja to attend Kompas Gramedia Fair. My intention was to attend Adi Gunawan's seminar with the title "Rahasia Membuat Murid Ketagihan Belajar" (The Secret to Make Students Addicted to Learning). The seminar was FREE, sponsored by Kompas Gramedia for teachers from kindergarten to high school. It was an opportunity not to be missed!

The seminar was great. It was empowering, inspiring and entertaining. The content was very practical and could be applied straight away. The speaker, Adi W Gunawan is very professional and clearly an expert in his field. He has written 12 books and most of his books are best sellers in Indonesia. I learned a lot from this seminar.

Since I arrived quite early I decided to take the best seat in the seminar hall. The first row, right in the middle! A lot of people are uncomfortable even afraid to sit in the first row. I am grateful that I was taught to be comfortable sitting in the first row since I was 15 years old. It was my previous mentor, KG Lim and Gan Ah Seng who taught me this. The first row is the best seat because:

  • it is usually reserved for VVIPs, by choosing to sit there, you position yourself to be a VVIP - it shows self-confidence;
  • it is usually the most expensive seat;
  • it is where you can get the best view; and
  • sometimes there are special and wonderful surprises for front row seater

Voucher gramedia

Another great thing that happened to me was that by asking a question I got vouchers from Gramedia. I was so happy and I decided to share what I had received to teachers sitting next to me. I gave out a total of four vouchers because I thought they needed the voucher more than I do because I know how low a teacher's salary can be. I am glad that I can help others to learn. I also remember what's been written in Proverbs 11:24, "One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withhold unduly, but comes to poverty"

Yesterday I experienced the law of attraction happening in my life. First, I've wanted to attend Adi W Gunawan's seminar since last month, yesterday I attended his three-hour seminar for free.  Second, I've been attracting money and gifts lately, yesterday I got free vouchers from Gramedia. Amazing!


  1. Always seek an opportunity to learn
  2. Develop a habit to sit in front
  3. Give generously
  4. Believe that the law of attraction does work

Learn and Grow!

Inge Santoso


Anonymous said...

Sharing yang menarik tentang mempunyai kebiasaan memberi. Betapa senang melihat seseorang begitu gembira dengan apa yang dapat kita berikan. Terlebih kalau kita dapat memberikan tepat pada saat dibutuhkan. Memang kepekaan diperlukan untuk hal seperti ini.

Unknown said...

Terima kasih atas komentarnya. Seringkali kita terlalu mudah percaya bahwa kue dunia itu dipotong dan dibagi semakin lama bagian tiap orang semakin sedikit (scarcity mentality), sehingga harus sibuk mengumpulkan dan sedikit memberi. Padahal sebenarnya ada kelimpahan yang terus terjadi karena manusia memiliki pikiran yang terus berkembang (abundance mentality).