Monday, August 25, 2008

To Go or Not To Go, To Do or Not To Do, To Be or Not to Be


When I was in Jakarta last week, I saw this traffic light. The red light and the green light are on at the same time. What would you do if something like that happens? My friend and I decided to see what other people were doing, and followed the crowd.

This small incident makes me think about decision making in life. How often do you follow the crowd instead of making your own decision? When you are faced with a choice, or even a dilemma, do you make your own choice or do you just follow what most people do?

Sometimes we are afraid to make mistake and to face the consequences of our mistake. We want to minimize the risk by following conventional wisdom or following the wisdom of the crowd. Although we know that the crowd is not always right, we often take the easy way instead of the right way. It seems that making a mistake on our own feels worse than making mistake together.

I remember an incident when I was still in primary school. When we forgot to bring our notes or textbook, the teachers often punished us together. I was nervous, afraid of being punished when I forgot my book, especially when I was the only one who didn’t bring it. When I knew there were other students, I felt relieved. Sometimes I even felt happy because we would be “punished” (ehem having fun outside the classroom) together. 

I believe this world needs more people who make decision by themselves and not just follow the crowd. The greatest invention, discovery and legend is made by people who are not afraid to stand alone, to blaze a new trail and to do the right thing in spite of all opposition. I want to be one…Do you?

To be or not to be? It is your decision.

To do or not to do? Weigh the alternatives and make your decision!

Learn and Grow!

1 comment:

Venna Wongko said...

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari,saya sering bingung dan ragu-ragu jika ada pilihan yang hasilnya hampir mendekati. Kadang saya memakai insting dalam mengambil keputusan. Walau kadang hasil tidak sesuai yang diharapkan. Tapi saya tidak pernah menyesalinya, karena saya yakin dan percaya itu adalah keputusan yang terbaik sudah saya ambil pada saat itu.
Kita tidak boleh menyesali keputusan yang diambil, setelah kita mempertimbangkan dengan seksama. Kalau tidak sesuai dengan hasil yang diharapkan, dianggap sebagai ilmu yang baru kita dapati (pelajaran) untuk lebih maju lagi.