Thursday, July 03, 2008

Pay It Forward

pay it forward

Have you ever watched the movie “Pay It Forward”? This is the review from

Pay It Forward is a multi-level marketing scheme of the heart. Beginning as a seventh-grade class assignment to put into action an idea that could change the world, young Trevor McKinney (Haley Joel Osment) comes up with a plan to do good deeds for three people who then by way of payment each must do good turns for three other people. These nine people also must pay it forward and so on, ad infinitum. If successful, the resulting network of do-gooders ought to comprise the entire world. Trevor's attempts to get the ball rolling include befriending a junkie (James Caviezel) and trying to set up his recovering-alcoholic mother (Helen Hunt) with his burn-victim teacher (Kevin Spacey), who posed the assignment.

Basically the concept is when you do something good for others, you do not ask for something in return, but you ask them to do something good for other people. Hopefully they will continue to pay it forward and making a lot of differences in people lives.

Yesterday I experienced this pay-it-forward principle first hand. When I was eating at Nini Thowong in Solo, I met my dad’s friends there. Then there was someone who took the initiative to pay for my dad’s friends’ meals, and in turn they paid for my meal. The baton of pay-it-forward has been passed to me…Now I am looking forward to an opportunity to pass it on.

If you read this post, I’d like to ask you to take the initiative to start this pay-it-forward action today. It is really a small thing that make a big difference.

What will you do today to start this movement going?

Learn and Grow!

Inge Santoso


Venna Wongko said...

Ternyata bukan hanya bisnis yang dapat dikerjakan dengan Multi Level Marketing.
Pay it forward bila scheme ini berjalan tentunya akan membawa efek positif yang baik bagi kita dan sesama.

Anonymous said...

Memang konsep yang sangat luar biasa apabila semua orang menerapkan! sukses untuk anda!