Thursday, February 10, 2005

High Fever On The Eve Of Chinese New Year

Last Tuesday, I had a very high fever in the afternoon. I felt so cold although I had a warm blanket covering me from head to toe. I was sleeping from noon until around 5PM.

At around 6PM, my parents took me to see a doctor. The doctor said the fever was caused by inflammation. He also said that I didn't drink enough water, so the fever was not coming down. He gave me a prescription and told me to drink at least 2 litre of water everyday.

After getting home, I slept again until Wednesday morning. Fortunately, I felt so much better that day.

Imagine being sick during a Chinese New Year celebration...
Everybody was eating delicious food...I was sleeping
Everybody was having a good time partying...I was sleeping
Everybody was celebrating with other family members...I was sleeping

1. Drink water!
2. Do not fall sick during a festive season :)


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